Staticus Staticus


Out of the box, Staticus supports collections of Markdown files. Technically, these can be placed anywhere but we recommend putting your markdown files in the /content folder (e.g. /content/posts).

Like pages, collections must be added to the content array in config.php:

use Staticus\Compilers\MarkdownCollection;

return [
    'content' => [
        // ...
        'posts' => MarkdownCollection::create('/blog/{slug}')
            ->fromMarkdownFiles(__DIR__ . '/content/posts')

The MarkdownCollection::create() method takes the path used to generate the URLs for the collection as an argument. The {slug} will be replaced by the filename of the markdown file (without the .md extension).

The fromMarkdownFiles() method is required and tells the collection where to find your markdown files.


The array key of the collection corresponds to the name of the Blade template that will be used to generate the page content (e.g. posts.blade.php for archive pages and the singular post.blade.php for single entries). However, These can be overidden using the singleView() and collectionView() methods:

'posts' => MarkdownCollection::create('/blog/{slug}')
    ->fromMarkdownFiles(__DIR__ . '/content/posts')


Entries can be sorted by some value that exists in the Markdown front matter (e.g. a date) using the sortByFrontMatter() method:

'posts' => MarkdownCollection::create('/blog/{slug}')
    ->fromMarkdownFiles(__DIR__ . '/content/posts')
    ->sortByFrontMatter('date', 'desc'),

Note: sortByFrontMatter() must be called after fetchContent() for it to work.


Staticus generates paginated archive pages for collections. By default, archive pages will show 10 entries but this can be changed using the perPage() method:

'posts' => MarkdownCollection::create('/blog/{slug}')
    ->fromMarkdownFiles(__DIR__ . '/content/posts')

No archives

To disable generating archive pages for a collection use the withoutArchives() method:

'posts' => MarkdownCollection::create('/blog/{slug}')
    ->fromMarkdownFiles(__DIR__ . '/content/posts')

Markdown files

Markdown files should have some YAML front matter that should contains at least a title for the entry:


title: Example Post
date: '2022-04-29'


This is the markdown content of the post...